Bedtime story, pleease?

Circular Monday was founded in 2017 in Malmö, Sweden, by the circular cloth-repair start-up Repamera AB and it's founder Henning Gillberg (deceased Mars 2022). They played “the opposite game” with Black Friday and saw the need for a day that promotes circular consumption. From 2017-2019 it was called White Monday, but changed “White” to “Circular” during 2020 to make the message of the movement more clear. Alexandra Davidsson and the organization Responsible Consumption co-founded the campaign 2018-2020, and when Henning passed away in 2022, he left the campaign to Alexandra. From sept 2023 the climate tech start-up ClimateHero is organising the campaign worldwide, evolving it even further. We would like to extend a huge thank you to Kairos Future who sponsors us with data insights.

What about ads & profit?

Everyone who works with Circular Monday (PR, the website, graphics, initiating in new countries etc.) does it completely voluntarily. Also, our 1200+ buddies do this toghether with us. Thanks everyone, you’re great!
And, just one last thing. We have and will never accept money in exchange for neither exposure or ads, nor sell any data. We don’t even track cookies, you monster! 

Want to be listed in our circular marketplace?

Awesome! Fill in this form and we'll get back to you.
Remember that this is a place for truly circular companies and you need to follow these simple rules:
- Never market anything under the banner "Black Friday"
- Keep up the good work in making the world a more circular place!

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Meet the team!

Henning Gillberg 🕊

Founder & guardian angel (deceased Mars 2022)

Alexandra Davidsson

Co-founder & owner


Organizer Circular Monday

Simon Bergbom (We Don't Have Time)

Spokesperson USA

Lorenzo Conti

Team Italy

Felipe Soraires

Team Spain

Evelina Lundqvist

Spokesperson Austria

Simone Grasso

Spokesperson Italy

Arianna Lucifora

Team Italy

Elena Scarinci

Team Italy

Priyanka Annam

Organizer Canada

Francesca Torchio

Team Italy

Elin Bergman (Cradlenet)


Simone Tabellini

Team Italy

Emmi Nevalainen

Team Finland

Tuuli Solhagen

Spokesperson Finland

Kairos Future

Data Insight Partner

Piotr Nejman

Spokesperson Poland

Neea Strangeway

Team Finland

Alexandru Laibăr

Spokesperson Romania

Laura Väyrynen

Team Finland

Want to be in our list of buddies?

We're building the world's largest database for circular businesses.

Fill in this form if you;
1. Want to leave a tip us about a circular business (no logotype needed).
2. Work at a company and you want your business to be exposed in our database, with logotype.

Regardless if you're uploaded or not, you can spread the word by posting with the hashtag #circularmonday on November 24th.

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Want to be in our list of buddies?

We're building the world's largest database for circular businesses.

Would you like to join Circular Monday too? Send us an email with a one-liner of your company, a logo and your location to

Regardless if you're uploaded or not, you can spread the word by posting with the hashtag #circularmonday on November 25th.